EJECTOR PUMP DREDGE ZNS 300-120Authors: assoc. prof. Bondarenko A.A.
AssignmentUnderwater mining and hydrotransportation of sand and gravel soils. The size limit of pumped particles is limited to the inner diameter of the suction pipe. THE ESSENCE OF TECHNOLOGYThe main element of extraction system and hydrotransportation of ejector pump dredge ZNS 300-120 is the draghead SGZ 300-120. Hydraulic system of ejector suction-tube dredger presupposes the existence of high-pressurewater pump 1 with intake 2 and sub artesian 4 pipe sleeves (Fig. 1). For protection of pipe sleeve includes installation of backpressure valve 3 with a protection grid. Hydraulic system ejector pump dredger works like this: in water pump 1 is supplied pump water conduit 4, to suction head 7. Water pump run after the system was been filled with water by means of the auxiliary pump with closed damper valve 5. To protect the system from entering large pollution provided by protective grid. Suction head device 7 provides a fluid process of preparation of the face and hydrotransportation obtained pulp hydrotransport system 8 to the dumping or recycling place. The recommended technology applications developed of suction head at which is possible to achieve maximum efficiency, has become pit mining technology. ![]() Fig. 1. Hydraulic system ejector pump dredger ZNS 300-120:
INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONEjector pump dredger ZNS 300-120 has passed experimental-industrial tests, which determined its operating characteristics: Ejector pump dredger ZNS 300-120 manufactured and used for production and processing of construction sand (Fig. 2). ![]() Fig. 2. Ejector pump dredger ZNS 300-120
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGESIn the experimental-industrial tests ejector pump dredger ZNS 300-120 revealed these advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: Disadvantages: CONTACT INFORMATION“National Mining University “Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.